Draft questions to dancer’s

Question 1: Where does the main focus of pressure originate from in your need to succeed as a dancer? Elaborate on this.


Question 2:I know that being a dancer means you have to give it your all because of the intense competition. Your peers who do not dance must have a very different life to you. Do you find the social pressures induced by the media promoting a life of decadence and partying hard to deal with? These polar nuances must put huge pressure on you to deliver, explain your personal experience of this.


Question 3: A rather harsh way to describe a dancer’s career is by it having a short shelf life- meaning dancers will not perform for the most part of their life. Love for dance obviously plays a huge factor in all of this but the very foreseeable end could be a huge pressure. Does this effect your motivation to dance? Elaborate on this.


Question 4: It is a well-known fact that dancer’s have a lot of pressure to have the perfect bodily form. Give a few examples of when and how this has personally affected you.


Question 5: Write a short story of how you have accomplished coming this far.


Question 6: Write a short story of where you intend to go with your dancing (doesn’t matter if you do not know!). 

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