Responsive: Proposal

My aim for this module is to collaborate with dancers from Northern School of Contemporary Dance. Dancing has been a running theme through out my life; for many years it was my dream to become one, and so i chose to team up with dancers to take on a different perspective. I am no longer the performer, my role instead being a film director/choreographer. I want to be working with a small amount of dancers to ensure intimacy. I have also spoken to a second year photography student to help me in the photography studios at college to help me with the footage. The collaboration must be beneficial for the dancers too, meaning the film and stills have to be as professional as possible so that they can use these videos and images for prospective company auditions and portfolios. I want to look into the dancers life, question their pressures, from society, as well as parental and/or self-induced, making the videos very personal to them. I am looking to play with dramatic lighting, casting shadows that are distorted symbolising the tensions of pressure. This gives me room to explore the different aspects of film and photography to further my quest to refine my interests within art and design and what my part to play is in all of this.

After I have handed in the first part of this project i want to carry it through and explore another aspect i have been interested in since I did some work experience with Project Space Leeds. I want to curate an event, that showcases the dancer’s video’s and images, that crosses three boarders of the arts. Those being Dance, Film/Photography, and Music. This will be in response to the pressures felt by students our age and to celebrate talent in a collaborative manner. The emphasis on turning away from what is expected of us; that we are doing it for no other reason than to appreciate each others achievements and to combine them resulting in a multi-sensory performance. I will be using DJ’s that stand for the modern movement in music- that being techno (a personal favourite) but of course all in keeping to the mood and atmosphere of the event.