OUAD602- Images of first meet

I was very aware of the sensitivity of our first meet, and when i got there I knew that pulling out my big SLR and snapping away at her would have created an unwanted boundary. Once we had both settled in, she seemed excited to be apart of the project and starting asking her clients what they though of ‘camming’- what women in the industry seem to call it. She said “Here take a picture of what this guy said!” and so i did:


This image shows all her of her live chats at the top. They are all watching her chatting away, talking to me/ to them, however they can only reply via text. This is where she advertises her live show, which are the ones that she charges money for. Note the person’s response in blue to where she asks his opinion on camming. Her response was quite good, she said something along the lines of, “Yeh it wasn’t my mums dream for me but she’s sat downstairs and doesn’t really care that I do this. She’s dead happy that I’m making enough money to look after myself without putting myself in any danger.”

It was interesting watching her in her work environment. She switches from each conversation replying to them, in a flirty, energetic way. Laughing and people remarks and making light of many situations. Her positivity was seriously admirable.

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