OUAD602- Preparation for first meeting with Webcam Girl

Bringing with me: SLR camera, Edirol Audio Recorder and interview questions.

Interview Questions:

– How did you first get into webcamming?

– How much of it was because you needed the money?

– How long have you been doing it?

– How would you compare it to stripping?

– What effect has it had on your confidence?

– What is the relationship like with your clients?

– do you feel pressured into doing stuff you don’t want to do?

– How protected is your identity?

– Does this effect your every day life?

– What effect does ‘camming’ have on your non-virtual relationships?

– What is it that you enjoy about ‘camming’?

– How open about your occupation are you?

– Do you ever feel the need to lie about it?

– In general, who would you say judges you the most?


It is hard not to feel slightly nervous about my first meet. I have never met this girl before, and even though over Facebook she seems relaxed about the situation i have no idea how she really feels about it all. It is also hard to pin her down and get her to commit to a certain time and date because her hours are so erratic and leads a life that includes long hours of parties stretching through the week after the weekend. So she is either up or down, and often doesn’t feel like meeting- or maybe she is avoiding it?

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