OUAD602- Reflection on peep hole experiment

When I asked people to take a peep into my peephole boxes, it turned my work towards an exciting direction that I did not anticipate. Thinking about the audience made me want them to really engage with the work, and so the peep holes really did that. Not only did the selected few have to physically interact with the piece, it turned the rest of the audience into voyeurs too. As you can see in the pictures, the people who were not peeping, were watching the peepers. Which made them inquisitive and added another layer so to speak. The peephole boxes only had text within them however I do not want to limit myself to text in the future. For now I am going to work with just the text because I have to be careful with my images because they can give the complete wrong message. I want to include suggestive images of the profession. Selected garments she wears etc. Perhaps images of performative scenes. Some of the peep holes will include this and other will include selected quotes/ statements (in future forward). I have been asked then what is my focus… the voyeur/ or what is inside the peeping holes. My answer to that would be both. The peep-holes raises awareness of the voyeur everybody seems to possess, engages them, and then the contents of the peephole boxes will hopefully evoke debate, and the debate will be directed towards an understanding and consideration of the line of work with the power of my text and imagery.

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