OUAD602- Testing Peep Holes- Audience Rich Workshop

I have decided to test this way of viewing my work to highlight that everyone has an inner voyeur. Take for example when a number of us were on our way to Mechelen, there was a façade of prostitutes and are whole group stood up to take a peak.

My chosen target audience is one that does not have to have previous knowledge of the webcam profession, and therefore is a wide one. However adult maturity is required to understand that my project is not a promotion of the line of work but a consideration and understanding to the reasons why specifically woman choose to do it. I may ensure this by selecting the height of my peep holes to be out of reach of children. There are themes of feminism present, for I am opposing the people who wish to deny woman of their sexual desires, however it is not aimed at one sex, for I am aware that the negative preconceptions belong to both. I am aiming my work to be as interactive as possible to include and engage my audience. It will be an exhibition piece, and will be open to anyone off the street. The reason I want it to be an exhibition piece in an art gallery is because I want to elevate the webcam profession as a performative art form. I invited people to peep in the holes to test what reaction they had to them. The following images are of people doing so:









This workshop has encouraged me to withdraw myself from looking at my work internally, for it has been troubling and difficult to highlight what aspect of this complex phenomenon I want to convey. Previously I was dealing with short stories, which displayed in a gallery space, would not engage my audience and imagery that could convey the entirely wrong message. I have now removed myself from feeling overwhelmed and have simplified it to these test products that you can see. This step back has inspired me to shorten my stories to statements. Collect statements of my own and those of the webcam girl’s and use them to build the bigger picture, perhaps with multiples of peeping toms, which underline the voyeuristic habits in my audience. The workshop has also encouraged me to think more professionally about my work and not just as a project for my degree. The marketing students made me think in a way of if my work was out in the real world what would it’s effect be on the people who see it.

The first speaker on the first day of the workshop spoke of how to pitch your idea, or a product, applying this to my own work, and starting off with WHY I did it immediately engaged people further. I tested it out on the numerous marketing students and they seemed immediately more enthused. If I applied this technique to say submitting my work for an exhibition at a gallery, it would perhaps give it the platform needed for the curator or gallery owner to take notice.

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