OUAD603- Mirror

I am still wanting to experiment with mirrors, as I really want my audience to be aware of their presence. So it becomes self-reflectory. Whether a member of my audience has experience with porn/webcammng or not I think the use of a mirror will make them question their own beliefs. Forming a unified self (This is referring back to the research I did on Jaque Lacans theory) and then I can perhaps subliminally or consciously form that unified self with an awareness of the affects of the porn industry, and voyeurism.

I decided to smash up a mirror because the rectangle shape would immediately suggest mirror- as is, to my audience, which is not what I am wanting to achieve. I thought by smashing it, and deconstructing it, it might take away the association with mirror and rather draw attention to just the reflection. Below is a video of me smashing the mirror. The process may not be necessary however I wanted to film it to see how the glass breaks, so i can reflect on it.






The images of the smashed up mirrors make quite interesting pictures on their own. However next I want to experiment with positioning the mirrors so that my audience is reflecting in the mirror. Perhaps the broken mirror, breaks down the unified self idea, and reflects on the detrimental affects of porn addiction.However this is confusing me, for I think I am almost getting to theortical. The audience won’t know I am commenting on he split self because of my use of a broken mirror? I am going to put the broken mirror to one side and focus a bit more on my content for now.

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