OUAD603- Making the video wall


I scouted out someone on ebay selling 400 old video tapes only for £10!!! This has really helped me to kick start building my projection wall/screen. However the collection he gave me is amazing. With old classics dating back to before i can remember. I am using a lot of the disney films, which has given my project some depth. The projection of the porn onto these disney films almost strips them of their innocence. I have decided not to throw away the cases because I think I may want to use them. However I am not yet sure how. Below is an example of some of the children’s films.


So far I have made four screens with the same dimensions. I haven’t stuck them together yet because I want to experiment with the size of the screen a little.


I quite like the varying colours of some of the videos, they look older, and more used. Some slightly dirt looking with appropriate connotations.

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