OUAD603- Trying to decide on the title

My title has to reference the internet age, because at the moment, the audience will not be making the link between  why i am projecting porn images onto the video wall. They don’t know that these images are from the internet. All the other visual clues are there. The blocks, and children being able to view, the screen referencing what we think we are protected by, the viewing slot at an adult level that can be accessed by children, the look into the past with the video tape reference, but then the pornographic images aren’t necessarily from the interment and I think it is now the titles job to some how reference that without being to literal. So that they it comments on the transition from video to digital. This is so tough I have been thinking about my title through out making my work, and it is really tricky.

I have researched internet terminology for some inspo. Below are some stabs at it.

Broad Banned – No sounds like i am making the audience take a stand/ side on porn

Transititon to Digital– Maybe

Hardcore software– Not sure

Pop virus – Pop is viral simply because of popular culture and its prolific intervention in media, advertising etc… however i’m not too sure about suing the word pop.

Digital virus porn– Thinking about ‘crossing out’ words.

Replay? – Referencing what it says at the end of an online video

Authorisation confirmed- Not sure

Rewind to Reply– From video to internet video? Not sure

Web shift– Shfit to the web? Not sure

Failing firewalls– too much alliteration? Sounds a bit gimmicky

Digital Distribution– Again too much alliteration?

Digtial Residue– Quite like, because it references the internet, and the residue it is leaving behind, the affect on children?

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