OUAD603- Final Title?

I am going to carry on thinking about this right up until the final rehang for the exhibition, however I am really leaning towards using the word residue. Residue makes one think of what is left behind, however it does not have took much of a negative connotation like smear for example. I don’t want my work to sound too much like i’m preaching.

I am thinking either Digital Residue


Browser Residue

Both reference the internet, but also make one think of what is left behind, what impact this trail has on the children who see it.

I am worried about digital residue however because that could seem like i am referring to the videos.. being the residue.. left overs of the digital age?

Maybe Browser Residue is better? Because a lot of the time children are browsing the internet and stumble across porn with out even intending to. I am still going to think about this more.

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