OUAD603- Making the Viewing Tunnel

Now that the wall has been built and I have painted it. When you look through the viewing slot, you can see around the edges of the video wall. I want it to be completely dark around the video wall so you are not distracted. And so I have had to test making a tunnel so I can control what my audience see. Below are some pictures at my first attempts



I attached string from the corners of the video walls to the corners of the viewing slot so I could see what my audiences sight line would be. Then I played around with cardboard flaps and angles and lengths. However it was really hard to cut out the edges of the video walls from certain angles without cutting off a large amount of the video wall when you looked at it straight on. So I needed to come up with a better solution.

As you can see below form this picture I have taken looking through the viewing slot, you can see the white wall above the video wall which isn’t ok.


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